
Directions and Transportation Options

Ballantyne is well-situated directly off I-485 at Exit 61 in the south perimeter of Charlotte, NC.

Ballantyne Campus Aerial


Getting to Ballantyne®

Driving Directions From the Airport: Take the airport freeway to Billy Graham Parkway South (you will exit to your right) Take I-77 Southbound to I-485 Eastbound Exit off of I-485 onto Johnston Road (Exit 61) going south Ballantyne is on your right at the first stoplight.

From the North: Take I-77 Southbound to I-485 Eastbound Exit off of I-485 onto Johnston Road (Exit 61) going south Ballantyne is on your right at the first stoplight.

From the South: Take I-77 Northbound to I-485 Eastbound Exit off of I-485 onto Johnston Road (Exit 61) going south Ballantyne is on your right at the first stoplight.

Lightrail overview

Lynx + CATS

Public Transportation

CATS: Route 43 has eight convenient locations throughout the Ballantyne Campus.

LYNX: The LYNX Blue Line offers fast, quiet, convenient light-rail service to 15 stations between uptown Charlotte and I-485 at South Blvd. Dozens of bus routes are timed to connect with trains at the Blue Line stations, making it easy to get to work.

Ballantyne is part of the City of Charlotte’s 2030 Transit Corridor System Plan to bring three dedicated light rail stops here.

New roads


Road Improvements

Six new roads and several intersection upgrades are underway as part of the Ballantyne Reimagined development. Additionally, NCDOT is creating a Direct Connector to Johnston Road from the I-485 Express Lanes.



Corporate Office

Northwood Office's corporate headquarters is located at the Calhoun Building:

11605 N. Community House Rd., Suite 600

Charlotte, NC 28277


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